Women's Community Bible Study

Ladies of all ages are invited to a community bible study! Join us as we study Priscilla Schirer's "The Armor of God." This 7-lesson study equips women to face the unseen war that rages all around us every day - the battle for our minds, our hearts, our relationships, our children, our marriages, even our resilience, our dreams and our destiny. But rest assured - the Enemy always fails when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. Instead of being caught unaware and unarmed, equip yourself with the armor of God and develop a personalized strategy to experience victory in practical, everyday living.

An opening coffee will be held on Wednesday, September 5th at 9:00am, with a video starting at 9:45am, at First Presbyterian Church. 

Women's Community Bible Study meets each Wednesday morning from 9am - 10:30am at First Presbyterian Church, off of Grindstaff Cove Road in Sylva. WCBS is a non-denominational Bible Study open to all ladies, and childcare is provided. For more information, contact Joyce Pope at (828) 631-9496 or Tiffany Stack at (828) 293-0536.