A Note from Circles of Hope

Dear Friends,

As always, your most generous donation to Jackson County Circles of Hope is greatly appreciated! You totally went up and beyond generosity! Our latest class is about to graduate from our in-depth program and that will be followed up with a community person to be their mentor for the next two years or so.
Through these classes and being matched with mentors of our community with past graduates has helped our endeavor to address underlying causes of poverty and helping people attain economic stability. Circles of Hope is completely funded by personal donations like yours and from small special grants. 
Let us share with you a special message from one of our Circle Leaders in training: 

"I am so excited that our lives are already changing in positive ways. Circles has given me back 'hope' that I had almost lost sight of for me and my son."

Truly, all of you are demonstrating your compassion for others. We thank you immensely and encourage all of you to stay involved with Circles of Hope; our community needs enthusiastic and caring people like you! 

God Bless!
Laura Wallace