Mission Moment

Our Church is pleased to support CBF Global Missions in moments like these where unity and love are modeled and shared.

"Recently the ladies in my ministry and I learned to crochet "plarn" (plastic yarn) mats from used grocery bags -- a very useful skill in a country where these bags are everywhere. The crocheted mats are lightweight and waterproof. For those living in a tent year round with the cold ground in the winter and the hot air in the summer, the mats allow the air to circulate under and through the mats, providing a cooler place to sleep. At first, the ladies were surprised at the idea of using plastic bags like this, but they soon caught on and crocheted all the bags I'd brought with me. They were quite taken with the idea of using something which costs them nothing to create a useful item for their tents."

- Anonymous CBF field personnel serving in the Middle East