Upcoming Events for Women of the Church

- Don't miss the annual "Celebrating Women" Brunch on Saturday, April 1st, from 9:30    a.m. until 12 noon, in the Mission and Fellowship Center.  You will be delighted at the GAs Parade of Nations, enjoy good food and door prizes, and be inspired by Phyllis Elvington.  Phyllis is a sought-after speaker, known for her entertaining and thought-provoking  sharing of Biblical truths.  Don't miss this exciting day in the life of our church!

- On Sunday, April 2nd, the worship service will be led by the women and girls of the church and a visiting choir from WCU.  Phyllis Elvington will bring the message.  Men and women, boys and girls -- please plan to be there and bring your Bibles!  More about this later.

- The Tuckaseigee Baptist Associational WMU's Annual Meeting will be Thursday, April 6th, at Faith Baptist Church.  The meeting begins with a salad supper (bring a salad to share) at 6:00 p.m.  A special guest speaker and fellowship with women from other churches will highlight this special event.