Baby Shower


2 babies are on the way!
Join us for a baby shower to celebrate with two of our church families.

Sunday, July 7, 2019
3:00 – 4:00 PM
The Gathering Place

Rebecca and Bill DeVoe
Due September 10
It's a boy!
Registered at Target


Michelle and Kevin Stephens
Due August 3
It's a surprise!
Registered on Amazon and My Sweet Pickles
Password to view registry is stephens3

A Note from Janet Ford

Dear Church Family,
Thank you all so very much for the many cards, phone calls, emails, and other kind words of encouragement and support following the recent passing of my father. You have been the true body of Christ as you offered sympathy and compassion during a difficult time. I am grateful for the blessing that is you, my church family!
Janet Ford

Report from Raise the Roof Committee

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Thanks to the generosity of our church members, we have approximately $58,000.  The Deacon Board has approved letting the campaign continue to September 1.

The new roof for our church will begin May 28.  Johnson Roofing will lay the shingles at a lower cost because we are a church.  The work on the wall should begin soon.  In our initial letter and presentation to you, we listed four projects that needed immediate attention— the Roof, wall, boiler, and windows.  We will continue to work for the next three months to accomplish these projects as more money is needed to complete them.

There are two fundraising projects we are working on now.  One will be selling the stained glass windows from the Chapel.  They are in the Gathering Room.  You may buy one for a donation, but there is a reserve on each one,  you may pay in the Church Office or pay Jennie or Linda

There is also one new church pillar like the ones in front of the MFC.  The reserve on the pillar is $100.  

The second project is a tablescape luncheon Saturday, August 24 in MFC.  Rebecca Mathis will be our entertainment , singing Broadway hits.  If you would be willing to sponsor a table, which would mean selling seven $25 tickets for your table, please see Teresa Manring, Jennie Hunter or Linda Stewart.  We will help you with table setting and decoration.  If you have any questions, please contact Jennie Hunter at 399-0623 or Linda Stewart at 421-2303.

Clothing Drive Donations Needed!

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The Have Mercy Challenge team serving the Poorly Clothed in our community will be holding a clothing drive on Saturday, June 1 in the MFC. They are asking for church-wide clothing donations. They will be collecting clothes for the whole month of May. Their goal is to gather clothes for all age groups, including maternity. They need clothes that are in good quality as well as up-to-date (no poodle skirts needed). All clothes that are not claimed will be donated to Sylva Linings.  Please leave clothing donations in the Loving Kindness Room in the bin labeled “Serving the Poorly Clothed” by May 31st.