If our attendance at church is 125 and we need 450 cans of Spaghettios and Ravioli to meet our pledge in filling the Christmas Break Bags, how many cans do YOU need to bring?

Answer: 450 divided by 125 = 3.6 cans PER PERSON
(family of 4 = 15 cans, family of 3 = 11 cans, family of 2 = 7 cans, etc.) Of course, you may bring more!

Donations go into the UCM box in the Loving Kindness Room.

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Thank You from the Youth Group

"The youth would like to thank all the adults who helped to make Sunday's College Student Lunch a success. For helping us with our grocery shopping and transportation, Dee and Larry Grantham; for helping with organization and planning in the kitchen, Cheryl and Steve Beck, and Sandra and Leo James; and thank you to all the youth parents for making sure the cooks and prep crew were in their places ready to work!. Thanks for making it possible for us to cook and serve this meal!"

-The Youth and Carol

Volunteer for CDP and REACH

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Center for Domestic Peace and REACH of Macon County are looking for volunteers! CDP & REACH of Macon County are in a collaborative partnership to provide services to the victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Jackson County. We are proud to now have our office doors open 9-5 Monday through Friday but we still have some growing to do! We are looking for volunteers to help us complete our client and children’s waiting areas. Many who come into our office are in a state of crisis and having a space where clients can rest while their children play safely is a vital component to our services. If you or a group are willing to donate 3-4 hours of your time to help us bring this safe space to life, please contact Destri Leger at (828) 586-8969 or

Christmas Break Bags

Our church has been asked to provide 450 cans of Spaghettios and Ravioli for the United Christian Ministries break bags which will be distributed to the 46% of the children who qualify for free breakfast and lunch when school is in session. Meeting the needs of hungry children locally is our way of responding to Jesus’ command to “go first to Jerusalem”. Donations are to be put in the UCM box in the Kindness Room.

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Dr. Roy Smith's Memorial Service

Roy Smith died last Thursday, October 18, in Winston-Salem.  He was raised in Macon County and maintained a home there.  Dr. Smith had many ties with our church.  He was a member of FBC while he was Region 10 area missionary for the Baptist State Convention.  While area missionary, he and his wife Doris built and lived in the house at 28 Second Avenue.  They sold it to our church as our parsonage when they moved to Raleigh.  He was interim  pastor at First Baptist sometime earlier – maybe before Bob Clegg.  In more recent years he also served a brief interim period with us during one of our pastor search times. 

Dr. Smith served as Town and Country Missions Director for the Baptist State Convention.  He was responsible for resort missions from the coast to the mountains, including a ministry in Cherokee and Camp Truett.  In the late 1980s he became the Executive Director of the Baptist State Convention.  After retiring from that position, he was active in CBF.  He visited First Baptist often and was a good friend to this church.

Dr. Smith’s memorial service is on Saturday, October 27, at 11 am at First Baptist Church of Winston-Salem.  I’m planning on attending and would welcome anyone who would like to go with me.

Sarah Davis
828-586-2311  ext 1932

Ladies' Nursing Home Worship Service


The ladies of the church will have a worship service at Skyland Nursing Home on Sunday, October 14th at 2:00 PM. Please put this on your calendar to come and help sing and minister to these dear people. This is also Homecoming at our church, so let’s share some of our spirit of fellowship with those who aren’t able to attend church.
Linda Stewart